Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just a reminder...

Any response from a scamlord that reads like this is not going to have a fairytale ending.  Thanks to Eliza for this copy and a reminder to really stop and think...

From: wilfredjane@ymail.com
Subject: RE: Apartment in London

Okay,i'll like to confirm if you really have the finance line up ready with the interest of renting my apartment before i travel down for the contract and

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Still open for business...

Someone pointed out that I haven't done a posting since April and that it might appear that I have abandoned the blog.  Nuthin' further from the truth, folks...

I've been busy this spring and summer (and not feeling particularly creative with new articles however I'll try to rectify that shortly).  But the lists are up-dated several times a week and I would like to remind those passing through
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